Report on education is due out today.- Cs Ezekiel Machogu

Report on education is due out today.- Cs Ezekiel Machogu

Report on education is due out today.- Cs Ezekiel Machogu

Report on education is due out today.- Cs Ezekiel Machogu. The report from the Presidential Working Party on Education Reforms will be presented to President William Ruto on Tuesday (PWPER).

Instruction in CS Ezekiel Machogu delivered the remarks on Monday at the Kenya School of Government while announcing the 2022 KCSE university placement results.

He claimed that the report offered the school system a number of recommendations.

The CS also said that the president would reveal the report’s more intricate details, but she did not.

The report of the Presidential Working Party will be made public tomorrow. We can use a lot of the information from that study as we implement reforms in the various facets of schooling, said Machogu.

Many recommendations have been made, some of which have already been carried out, especially the first, which called for housing our junior high school in the existing primary schools.

Also, we have certain recommendations that will be made public tomorrow, especially in regards to the quantity of running spaces at the CBC levels.

Ruto announced the members of the Presidential Working Party on Education Reform in a gazette notice on September 30, 2022, with notice number 11920.

To create its terms of reference for the reform of the Kenyan educational system, the committee sought input from members of the public and other sector players.

Any and all interested parties, including both public and commercial entities, are welcome to contact PWPER.

Dr. Raphael Munavu served as the PWPER’s chair.





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